Friday, March 9, 2012

Mary Ellen Edmunds - Gratitude

Perhaps some of you have read this wonderful news; Eight new missions are being created in Colombia, Ghana, Mexico, Vanuatu-New Caledonia-Solomon Islands, Utah, Nevada, Russia.

How thrilling it is to see the Lord's work progressing and to know that all over the world people are learning of the beautiful and life-changing truths of the restored gospel.

This morning I've been listening to a beautiful CD by one of my favorite people Sister Mary Ellen Edmunds entitled "Gratitude, The Theory of Relativity".   She speaks of her mission to Indonesia and a little man "Sukimon" (sp?) who lived with others' in a Chinese cemetery in a tiny hut he built by himself with whatever scraps he could find.  On one occasion he sincerely asked her 'Sista - Do members in the rest of the world pray for me?"  She pondered on it - knowing that before her mission she hadn't prayed for him and (like many of us) didn't even know where Indonesia was - and yet, after some careful consideration replied that they certainly did because she remembered that the brethren and some faithful members did.  Then, with tears in his eyes he replied "how wonderful....I pray for them too."

Since I first heard this CD several months ago I have pondered much on 'Sukimon' (sp?) and this sweet gift that he has given.  I have prayed for him and for others' across the world since then.  I don't know if he's even still on this side of the veil or not (probably not) but he taught me a great lesson (through her) and I am deeply grateful.

We have so many blessings.  Besides spiritual gifts most of us have more temporal 'things' than many other people in the world - we know what we have?  Are we grateful?  Do we recognize His hand in all of it?  Are we striving to live consecrated lives and use all He's blessed us with for His purposes?  What a great privilege to know and ponder on these things. 

I also liked her quote from Pres. Kimball which was "We need to view our own wants in light of others' needs."  What a tender message from a Prophet who certainly knew much of the suffering and struggles in the world.

As I ponder on my life and the difficult challenges I've faced (divorce, single-parenting, car accidents, health challenges, financial struggles etc.) I've realized that because of my own personal suffering I have become much more aware of the needs and struggles of others'.  I would not trade this blessing for anything.

Thank you all for participating in caring for and loving those around you.  I know that many of you are doing those things amidst struggles, heartache, grief, and pain.  I honor you for that and hope that this site will be one of strengthening and buoying up for all who come to visit.

There are plenty of places to find those who desire to vent and contribute to contention.  My prayer has been that this place will be safe and wholesome and one of 'light'.  I've learned from personal experience that light lifts and is better when we're trying to grow, progress, and overcome, than contention and darkness.  I hope that you'll feel of my love and appreciation for you all.  We're in this together and it's not by chance that we're living in this day and age or connecting together through technology!
