Wednesday, August 9, 2017

In a Coming Day We Will Meet the Savior

Currently I am seeking to know the Lord, His Life, His mind and will for me, better. To do so I have taken upon myself this personal quest of studying and pondering His words. They are sacred and special to me and I look forward to what I will be learning as I humble myself and seek to learn of Him and His life better. I invite you to ponder on the following beautiful message as one day, each of us will stand in the presence of the Lord and give an accounting of how we lived our mortal life. We pray we may do so in peace and gratitude and that we will be able to stand before Him having done our best, and having repented of all our sins, taken upon us His name, and sought to do His will.
Much love,

"...In a coming day, you will present yourself before the Savior. You will be overwhelmed to the point of tears to be in His holy presence. You will struggle to find words to thank Him for paying for your sins, for forgiving you of any unkindness toward others, for healing you from the injuries and injustices of this life.

"You will thank Him for strengthening you to do the impossible, for turning your weaknesses into strengths, and for making it possible for you to live with Him and your family forever. His identity, His Atonement, and His attributes will become personal and real to you.

"But you don’t have to wait until then. Choose to be one of His true disciples now. Be one who truly loves Him, who truly wants to serve and lead as He did. I promise you that if you will study His words, your ability to be more like Him will increase. I know this is true." - Pres. Russell M. Nelson (one of His special witnesses on earth today)

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