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Beautiful 'Temple Square' in downtown SLC, Utah |
Saturday Morning Session:
- This is His Conference. (Jesus Christ)
- Study it out in your mind then ask if it be right.
- What I hear and feel is most important to me.
- The only safety we have is to give heed to His Prophets!
- Meekness is a fruit of the Spirit.
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Filled to Capacity with Church Members and Friends |
- The endowment (in Temple) is a gift of Power!
- Eternal life is the greatest of all the gifts of God.
- He has a plan for us. Trust in His plan.
- Don't hesitate to reach out when help is needed.
- We have different strengths, gifts, roles and responsibilities.
- Tithing provides significant but subtle blessings that may be overlooked.
- A grateful person is rich in contentment.
- Honest payment of tithing can give us a greater capacity to change our circumstances.
- Tithing is the Lord's law of finance.
- Spiritual and Temporal blessings come to us as we live the Lord's law(s).
- Our daily walk with Jesus Christ leads to peace in this life.
- Those who suffer grief, find healing in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
- God will not allow His church to drift from it's appointed course.
- Nurture and cultivate the seed of faith, hope for things which are not seen which are true.
- Doubt your doubts - before you doubt your faith.
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Glorious Music by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir |
- None of us is quite as Christlike as we desire to be.
- The church seems to attract the honest and industrious.
- Hold fast to the words of eternal life.
- Come....join with us!
- Take up your cross and follow Him.
Saturday Afternoon Session:
- There IS a safe place to raise children, it's in a gospel-centered home!
- Be ever watchful and diligent.
- Perilous times are present.
- The Scriptures hold the keys to spiritual protection!
- Make scripture reading a part of your regular routine and the blessings will follow.
- All scripture is given by inspiration of God.
- Be not afraid, only Believe!
- Righteousness is more powerful than wickedness.
- Have faith rather than fear.
- Atonement is Real!
- There is a beautiful underlying serenity when we are about God's work.
- Warning against the devaluation of marriage, homemaking, motherhood. There is no superior career.
- We need women who are kind, refined, of faith, goodness, virtue, purity.
- There is a moral force and foundation in (noble) womanhood.
- As you follow the Spirit - the Spirit will guide you as to what to do.
- Heavenly Father is the Source of our Power!
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We sustain and uphold our leaders by 'common consent'. |
- Women; We rely on you for your moral strength. We pray for your influence to be sustained!
- Pres. Monson has 'called' us all to work together.
- "I will hasten My work in it's time."
- This work is not going to move forward without us.
- Specifically pray to bring someone closer to the Lord everyday.
- Pray for missionaries and investigators by name.
- Invite a friend to an activity.
- "This is the testimony last of all...that He lives!"
- By small and simple things are great things brought to pass.
- The Savior left the multitude to reach out to those in most need.
- The Savior served those who couldn't help themselves.
- "Wilt thou be made whole?"
- "Rise, take up thy bed and walk."
- Faith must precede the miracle.
- As they went in faith...they were healed.
- Only one turned back and thanked Him.
- Jesus heals mind, body and spirit.
- His healing begins by faith.
- Opposition is an indispensable part of mortality.
- As we repent and become converted to the Lord - we are made whole.
- ALL that is wrong can be made right through the Atonement of Jesus Christ.
- Yield our heart to Him.
- Have compassion on one another!
- Believe in miracles.
- Many suffer with mental disorders. Hope is never lost.
- If the bitter cup does not pass, drink it.
- Fatigue is the common enemy of us all. So...slow down. Rest up.
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Conference Center - Salt Lake City, Utah |
- Don't run faster than you have strength.
- Charity suffereth long and is kind.
- We are infinitely more than our afflictions.
- Broken minds can be healed just as broken hearts can be.
- Each of us need to share the gospel.
- Are we doing all we can to teach all the world?
- He will assist us in our labors if we will have faith in Him!
- Be anxiously engaged in bringing gospel to the world.
- Let me remove any fear.
- Do what Jesus has asked us to do.
- "Ask and it shall be given you." He that asketh/seeketh - shall receive.
- Kneel in prayer and ask Lord to help us find missionary opportunities. They will flow as a natural love for our brothers and sisters.
- It is impossible for us to fail when we do our best and are on the Lord's errand.
- Trust the Lord.
- His sheep know His voice.
- "If you lift up your voice unto this people...it shall be given you what you shall say."
- Talk to more people everyday.
- Reach out in normal, pleasant ways. It is a privilege.
- The Key is that you be inspired of God and then go and do what He asks you to do.
- Pray and reach out to just ONE - between now and Christmas.
- If you have faith in me you shall be able to do whatsoever thing is expedient for you.
- The Lord will hear your prayers!
Priesthood Session:
- All truth is from God.
- False teachings come from Satan. He wants to deceive us so we'll be lead astray.
- Read the scriptures carefully and He will reveal to us our pathway back to Him.
- Learn the Articles of Faith and use them to direct your studies of the gospel.
- Care for all others no matter their origin etc.
- These is NO ONE whose soul is not precious to HIm.
- "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me."
- Missionaries shall have power if they humble themselves.
- "Abide in my word."
- Be obedient. Hearken (hear and follow.) - Be clean.
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Evening 'Priesthood Session' |
- Without the Spirit you will never be able to do the work no matter how skilled you are!
- Be gives us power to do things beyond our own.
- Come unto Him and offer your WHOLE SOULS as an offering to Him.
- The healing power of the Atonement will bring peace to your souls.
- "I am a disciple of Jesus Christ and have been called to teach His people."
- You can do it now.
- Men experience feelings of guilt, failure, depression etc.
- Repent. Change course. Turn our heart and will to God.
- Whatever you do - do it unto the LORD, not man.
- Your destiny is a glorious one. Rise up!
- Overwhelmed? He will give you compassion, will bless you, will recompense you.
- He will bless you with 'helpers'.
- Treasure up the words of life Continually!
- Jesus is The Good Shepherd.
- Be a genuine friend to those you Home Teach. Care. Show Love. Listen.
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Family Attending Conference Together |
- There is a Plan of Happiness.
- Follow ALL of the commandments.
- One 'over-arching' commandment; Love God with all your heart, might, mind, strength.
- The power of the Atonement is that sins are washed away.
- Go to the Savior for Relief from Pain.
- Serve others'. - Only through the Holy Ghost can we be equally yoked in a marriage.
- It takes time for God to Polish us.
- Passing through tests - strengthens us.
- He has given His angels charge over us.
- There is Joy guaranteed for the faithful!
- 10 Commandments; No other Gods before me.
- God's love is over all the inhabitants of the earth.
- We look to God's law as our STANDARD of behavior.
- We may experience religious persecution or invasion. Nevertheless - we obey God's Law!
- Courage - not Compromise.
- "As for me and my house - we will serve the Lord."
- Bring truly converted means we ACT according to what we know.
- We become converted as we obey/live the principles.
- "Lay aside the things of this world and seek the things of a better."
- Challenges are so we can learn the lessons we need to learn and become strengthened spiritually.
- Challenges will be for our ultimate good.
- "Thine afflictions shall be but for a small moment, and if thou endure them well...."
- The Lord has brought us to this point at this time!
- We need help in returning to His presence. The help is from the Atonement.
- Through the Atonement we can become clean and Change our Natures!
- Our ability to endure is dependent upon the depth of our conversion.
- Physical and Spiritual shape - dedication, perseverance, self-discipline, so we can endure any challenge. - 'You must be the rock the river can't wash away.'
- Men have laid down their lives in righteousness.
- We can receive personal strength through the Atonement.
- The Sons of Helaman were virtuous and pure.
- Fathers are supposed to protect their children.
- Through the Atonement we can be virtuous and pure.
- There are long-term consequences of sin we must bear even though we have repented.
- Satan will try to use our memory of previous guilt to lure us back/exploit our weaknesses.
- We need to fortify our 'weak places' to create strength; build taller and stronger fortifications.
- We can become much stronger than the adversary's temptations.
- Burden of our rebellion will be lifted.
- Hope-filled path to a glorious future.
- Our Father has provided tools; covenants, ordinances, share gospel, visiting teaching, serve family.
- Serve family; make it high priority. Give freely of time and attention. Fill life with service.
- Then Satan's temptations lose their power.
- There is an ELEVATING Power of Lord's Mercy and Love.
President Monson:
- "This session has been of the most sacred nature."
- Loss of his wife has been 'profound'.
- She was the 'love of my life. 'Trusted confidant'. 'Closest friend'.
- Today, Oct. 7 - would have been their 65th wedding anniversary.
- 50 yrs. since he was called to 'Quorum of 12.'
- Heavenly virtue of Patience is required.
- Others have passed through the same way and have overcome because they have made the gospel of Jesus Christ at the Center!
- We can emerge Victorious!
- "I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee." Such comfort is Priceless!
- We are lifted heavenward.
- Sadness and suffering are universal. - Never dwell on what we don't have; rather give thanks for what we Do have!
- Through trials we become better than we were before. Persevere and Endure. Become spiritually prepared.
- Were we to remain as we are -- we wouldn't grow.
- The stronger the wind -- the stronger the Trees.
- Only the Master knows the depths of our pains, sorrows.
- "Come Unto Me - all ye that labor and are heavy-laden, and I will give you rest."
- Best of Times. Worst of Times. HE IS WITH US!
- We TRULY NEED HIM Every Hour - whether in Sunshine or Rain!
- "I will not fail thee nor forsake thee!"
- His Son LIVED and DIED for US - and His penetrating LIGHT shines through the darkness of our Soul.
- "We LOVE to OBEY Thy Command!"
- We ask ourselves 'Shall I falter or shall I finish?'
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President Thomas S. Monson; Prophet, Seer and Revelator |
Sunday Afternoon Session:
- Voice of Warning. Bondage.
- Worshipping False gods results in bondage. False gods of wealth, power, fame.
- Righteous living is a prerequisite for assisting in the building up of the Kingdom of God and the literal gathering of Zion.
- Addictions; drugs, alcohol, pornography, financial subjugation, excessive use of social media, games, philosophies or men, popular trends, violation of religious consciousness.
- Avoid bondage of any kind.
- We must work to improve the moral surroundings around us.
- Importance of womanhood, motherhood.
- Make all sacrifices we need to make to bless and protect our children.
- Prepare them (children) to make and keep sacred covenants.
- We do not save ourselves; we are liberated by the Savior.
- We can be blessed by the Strength of Priesthood Power - no matter our circumstances.
- In the ORDINANCES the Power of God is manifest!
- The Temple brings added Light and Strength.
- As we keep these covenants we receive these blessings.
- Worthiness/Righteousness is a qualifier to invite the blessings of the Lord.
- The Light of the Body is the EYE.
- The faith and prayers of a righteous mother availeth MUCH!
- THIS is our destiny; to prepare the world for the SECOND COMING of the Savior!
- If we teach by the Spirit we cannot fail.
- Teachers have been called by revelation, set-apart.
- Teachers represent HIM; act as His agent and are entitled to His help.
- Teachers ask "What would the Savior say to this class and how would He say it?"
- Teach the GOSPEL - NOT your own philosophies mingled with scripture.
- The most important part of your service/preparation is your own Daily prayer and scripture study.
- Become Men and Women of SOUND UNDERSTANDING.
- Have the Power of God unto the Convincing of Men. - Obtain the word by Diligently Seeking.
- Search Scriptures diligently. Much fasting and prayer.
- Learn to Listen to the Spirit and to the Student!
- Focus on students as individuals.
- Prepare then...let go, set aside your notes, and...follow Spirit. Then, it becomes the Savior's lesson.
- TREASURE up Scriptures in your heart. They become your words.
- Don't just be an echo of the words' of others'.
- The Spirit will manifest to you that the things you are teaching are true.
- You are entitled to teach with power and authority of God.
- Continually 'Hold Fast' to the Iron Rod (by keeping covenants.)
- In each church meeting we learn the doctrine and feel the Spirit.
- The adversary 'cheateth our souls' by using GOOD activities to take us away from the BEST activities. - Press forward FEASTING on the words of CHRIST until the very end.
- Pay attention to the Signs of the Times.
- There are storms overhead.
- There is strength in our Testimonies.
- We need both Temporal and Spiritual Preparedness.
- Technology can serve great purposes.
- Be careful about those who may have large following (which gives them some 'power') yet not be teaching correct principles.
- Nourish your faith and testimony.
- Treasure up the Words of Christ SO as to NOT Be Deceived! - Perilous times are on us.
- Ask God in the name of Christ.
- Jesus Christ is our Rescuer.
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Conference is Translated into 92 different languages |
- What are the thoughts and INTENTS of our heart!
- He doesn't take-away/solve our problems; rather - prompts us so that we can learn to rely on Him!
- The Savior is always near - especially in sacred places.
- We love the Lord by giving Him our Hearts!
- "Come unto me ye Blessed. I have prepared a mansion for you in the House of My Father."
- Decisions; wise use of time, choices.
- We're never too young to learn. Never too old to change.
- Revere Human Life through All Stages.
- Amazing Human Body!
- Pattern to Cope; be humble, have faith in God.
- Some 'stellar spirits' are often housed in challenged bodies.
- Aging and Death are GIFTS from God.
- Your body is a TEMPLE of God.
- Be Grateful each day for your BODY.
- How you use your body affects your SPIRIT.
- We were chosen to be LEADERS for our Spiritual Attributes - not physical characteristics.
- Hunger for Wisdom. - Self-Mastery = reason over appetite.
- Fasting helps strengthen Spirit over appetites and increases access to heaven's help.
- We do have some God-given appetites, to be used within the bounds the Lord has set; increased love and joy. - We're here to see if we will obey.
- When we make mistakes we learn from our errors, change, repent.
- Healing, Cleansing, Enabling Power of Jesus Christ.
- Keep Commandments earnestly and exactly. Joy. Peace. Love.
- Master over our emotions and appetites.
- His doctrine is ours to study and uphold.
- His way leads us home to Him!
- One day we will each have a Personal Interview with the Savior.
- President Monson thanked all for their prayers in his behalf. He said they strengthen Him and the other brethren. - "May your Homes be Filled with LOVE, COURTESY, and Spirit of the Lord.
- DO the Work of the LORD.
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He Stands at the Door and Knocks |
So...these are my notes. Some are exact quotes and others are certain words or meanings I was able to record while writing as quickly as I could.
I also 'tweeted' during the first session - by way of prompting. I'm not quite sure why I felt to do so but hope that something I shared was of benefit to someone, somewhere. You can follow me on twitter if you want to. :) I try to always post good and positive things.
I have loved General Conference for as long as I can remember. I have my own mother to thank for instilling it's importance into my life and for loving it as well. We're extremely blessed to be able to sup at the feet of Prophets and Apostles who have come to the Kingdom 'for such a time as this' - as have we all. We'd do well to heed their warnings and to obey the things that we were taught to the best of our abilities.
I KNOW that the Lord will help us as we sincerely strive to do so. He has helped me in my own life - more than I can express, through many difficult trials and challenges. I love Him with my whole soul.