A condition of great happiness coming from righteous living.
The purpose of mortal life is for all people to have joy.
A full joy will come only through Jesus Christ.
- The meek also shall increase their joy in the Lord: Isa. 29:19; ( 2 Ne. 27:30; )
- The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace: Gal. 5:22;
- Men are that they might have joy: 2 Ne. 2:25;
- I will give up all that I possess that I may receive this great joy: Alma 22:15;
- My Spirit shall fill your soul with joy: D&C 11:13;
- In this world your joy is not full, but in me your joy is full: D&C 101:36;
- See: LDS.org "JOY"
Elder Scott teaches teaches us about the Path to Peace and Joy.