In our church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we honor the role of women and the blessing of womanhood. I don't think that there is any other organization on the face of the earth where women are given greater opportunities for growth and development and leadership and responsibility. Truly it is a place for women to flourish and find great fulfillment and joy.
As a member of this organization, which includes the largest women's organization in the world, I can attest to blessings of being a member.
I've had many opportunities to serve others' and to be served by them. It's all volunteer and we strive to watch over and care for one another the best that we can.
It's not perfect because we're not perfect, but these opportunities provide a way to help refine and develop us so that we can become better in many areas.
Some of the things I've been asked to do in the past include: President of Local Women's Organization, Sunday Women's Teacher, Sunday School Teacher for both adults and youth, Children's teacher, Activities Director, Sports Director for young women, Girls' Camp Assistant Director, Leader of Single-Adults both local and regional, Music Director, Marketing Specialist for Activities, Sunday Speaker, Choir member, Choir soloist, General Church Choir Member, Membership Directory leader etc.
In these 'callings' I've worked with a variety of people of all walks of life and come to love and cherish many of them. I've worked and prayed with them, counseled and discussed challenges with them and...learned many things from their strengths and talents.
We may feel inadequate when asked to do something new or that we feel ill qualified for but that is a beautiful thing because the Lord helps us through His Spirit and through other people. We're never left alone and we can turn to other leaders who can help us and train us. It's a beautiful plan for us to all develop and grow and progress. And, never is there coersion in the Lord's plan. He simply invites us to "Come Unto Him" and to do the works that He has done. His whole mission was to lift and bless and strengthen.
As a personal witness of His name, and in my great desires to serve Him, I share these things. I know that as members of this church we are sometimes misunderstood or criticized. But, all you have to do is ask an active member of the church and you'll, most-probably, get candid and sincere answers. Or, you can ask me here. I am very happy to respond to any of you who have questions. I'm not an official representative of the church, simply a member who loves the Lord and wants to keep all of His commandments.
Much love,
Heidi G.
As a member of this organization, which includes the largest women's organization in the world, I can attest to blessings of being a member.
I've had many opportunities to serve others' and to be served by them. It's all volunteer and we strive to watch over and care for one another the best that we can.
It's not perfect because we're not perfect, but these opportunities provide a way to help refine and develop us so that we can become better in many areas.
Some of the things I've been asked to do in the past include: President of Local Women's Organization, Sunday Women's Teacher, Sunday School Teacher for both adults and youth, Children's teacher, Activities Director, Sports Director for young women, Girls' Camp Assistant Director, Leader of Single-Adults both local and regional, Music Director, Marketing Specialist for Activities, Sunday Speaker, Choir member, Choir soloist, General Church Choir Member, Membership Directory leader etc.
In these 'callings' I've worked with a variety of people of all walks of life and come to love and cherish many of them. I've worked and prayed with them, counseled and discussed challenges with them and...learned many things from their strengths and talents.
We may feel inadequate when asked to do something new or that we feel ill qualified for but that is a beautiful thing because the Lord helps us through His Spirit and through other people. We're never left alone and we can turn to other leaders who can help us and train us. It's a beautiful plan for us to all develop and grow and progress. And, never is there coersion in the Lord's plan. He simply invites us to "Come Unto Him" and to do the works that He has done. His whole mission was to lift and bless and strengthen.
As a personal witness of His name, and in my great desires to serve Him, I share these things. I know that as members of this church we are sometimes misunderstood or criticized. But, all you have to do is ask an active member of the church and you'll, most-probably, get candid and sincere answers. Or, you can ask me here. I am very happy to respond to any of you who have questions. I'm not an official representative of the church, simply a member who loves the Lord and wants to keep all of His commandments.
Much love,
Heidi G.