Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Thank You to Julie from Hesses MadHouse

Thank you to some of you for your kind words.  They are very much appreciated!!!

I started this site several years ago when I heard about a formerly-LDS blogger who was making a lot of money blogging about crude and vulgar things.  I wanted to provide a place for the opposite to happen; uplifting sites of women who were striving to do good and wanted a place to know they weren't the only ones!

I run several blogs and continue to try to figure out and how to best spend my time and energy.   So.....I really appreciated Julie's comments on her blog.  She made my day!  Afterall, we're all just people behind these blogs.

Thanks for all the good that you are doing.  Keep the faith, Endure Well and...Know that you're not alone in the striving!

Heidi G.
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