Yesterday I spent most of my day at the hospital with a dear friend. She's spent the past 18 years of her life in a wheelchair and this is the first major surgery she's had without the support of her parents who have both passed on. Her family is her ward and her friends. I moved from her ward last year but...she remains a beloved friend and I was honored that she'd ask me to be there with her.
After she was wheeled into her room and spent most of the day sleeping and/or trying to get comfortable - I was reminded of how blessed I was to be able to have legs that I could move. She didn't. She can't move her legs on their own or turn over in her own bed. The nurses adjusted things for her and...I was able to move her bed up and down to relieve the pressure of being in the same position for too long.
She'll tell you how blessed she is. She's grateful for what she's been given and the opportunities that she's had in this life. Among other things her physical challenges have helped her to be aware of and reach out to others' in need. Recently she completed a Master's Degree in Social Work and an internship with many struggling with drug addictions. She'll be the first to tell you how grateful she is for her challenges and not those of others'.
As I pondered on the hymn this morning "Count Your Many Blessings" I knew that it was a personal message for me from above today. He always knows exactly what I need to hear to comfort and teach me. Personal revelation is deeply-cherished gift.
This is a wonderful season of the year. All of us are blessed with the knowledge of our Savior and Redeemer. His is the life and example we ponder and give thanks for at this time of year. He had no place to lay his head. His example to us is that if we put our trust in God - He will deliver us out of all our troubles and afflictions. The temporal blessings are just that; temporal and temporary. But, we are to seek eternal life and eternal blessings. This comes from our obedience, faith, repentance, forgiveness in God - who leadeth to do good!
Thank you for all you do to bless the world. Each blog posting has the ability to help someone else. Thank you for keeping your messages of the nature that will lift, encourage, and bless others' to do good.