Sorry this is a little bit late.'s been a busy season. I posted this on our Latter-dayLearning blog and thought that I ought to share it here as well. These are the BEST Christmas gift ideas for kids from actual moms who know. This is a compiled list of favorite, long-lasting and enduring activities that their children have truly enjoyed. Hope it helps if you're looking for last-minute items.
Bouncers with handles
Large Safety Pins and material scraps for doll outfits etc.
Dress-Ups from D.I. -- or Savers
Mini Balls (put in kiddie pool)
Indoor Slide
Science Experiments (including making crystals)
Craft Supplies (Glue, glitter, good paper, markers and coffee filters, pipe cleaners, etc.)
Shrinky-Dinks (before Christmas- to make Christmas ornaments)
Good Books
Melissa and Doug coloring books
Dot to Dot books (the crazy cool kinds that go up to 300+)
Razor Scooters
Wooden Blocks
Lincoln Logs
Tinker Toys
Erector Sets
Calico Critters (not their furniture - which breaks) w/Playmobil Furniture
Littlest Pet Shop
Thomas the Tank Engine Train Set (fun w/Brio Network as it is all supposed to be the inside of a computer. Cute!)
National Geographic KIDS Magazine
Cricket Magazine (10-12 different kinds- all ages)
Duplos (legos' medium size)
Hot Wheels
Kitchen Play Set
Storyboards made out of Flannel or Felt
Bouncers with handles
Large Safety Pins and material scraps for doll outfits etc.
Dress-Ups from D.I. -- or Savers
Mini Balls (put in kiddie pool)
Indoor Slide
Science Experiments (including making crystals)
Craft Supplies (Glue, glitter, good paper, markers and coffee filters, pipe cleaners, etc.)
Shrinky-Dinks (before Christmas- to make Christmas ornaments)
Good Books
Melissa and Doug coloring books
Dot to Dot books (the crazy cool kinds that go up to 300+)
Wooden Blocks
Lincoln Logs
Tinker Toys
Erector Sets
Calico Critters (not their furniture - which breaks) w/Playmobil Furniture
Littlest Pet Shop
National Geographic KIDS Magazine
Cricket Magazine (10-12 different kinds- all ages)
Duplos (legos' medium size)
Hot Wheels
Kitchen Play Set
Storyboards made out of Flannel or Felt