The scriptures constantly teach the importance of marriage and in D&C 132 the Lord strongly emphasizes the importance of that law. The question is if we will align our hearts with His law (D&C 132:21)?
Once we are married, the covenant is designed to stretch our hearts to the size of His heart if we will let it. "Prepare thy heart" to live great principles in daily married life; kindness, faith, loyalty, good cheer, unselfishness, and work at home. These all depend upon having the right kind of heart.
We can all progress even if we don't have the ideal marriage at present. The Lord has given us instructions as to how to do it and he continually leads, guides and urges us in the better way.
As we continue to yearn for further light, and as we overcome obstacles and weaknesses, we eventually become prepared for an even greater, and heavenly, home.
Once we are married, the covenant is designed to stretch our hearts to the size of His heart if we will let it. "Prepare thy heart" to live great principles in daily married life; kindness, faith, loyalty, good cheer, unselfishness, and work at home. These all depend upon having the right kind of heart.
We can all progress even if we don't have the ideal marriage at present. The Lord has given us instructions as to how to do it and he continually leads, guides and urges us in the better way.
As we continue to yearn for further light, and as we overcome obstacles and weaknesses, we eventually become prepared for an even greater, and heavenly, home.