Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Marriage is the Highest Calling We Will Ever Have

"Marriage is the highest calling we will ever have.  Few people in this world will notice if we succeed at it.  The happiest outcomes are made public after the probation is over, after our chances have expired.  For now, the surrounding culture will probably not punish us for a weak effort.  Nor can we expect a worldly reward for giving our all to it.   However, to fulfill the mission of marriage is like dropping a huge rock into heaven's living waters.  Be ever so quiet and private if you want, but the ripples will grow as they cross the surface of eternity."  Inviting Him In, p. 71

"The lawful association of the sexes is ordained of God...for the development of the higher-faculties and nobler traits of human nature, which, the love-inspired companionship of man and woman alone can insure."  Joseph F. Smith

We believe in and sustain the wonderful calling of marriage as ordained by God and between one man and one woman.  We've seen the sadness in the loss of happiness as family life and commitment to these principles has declined in recent years.  We, along with men of God, testify of the sanctify of home and family and the importance of each partner in living, to the fullest, to their God-given potential.

We know that the greatest happiness in life is to be found by following the principles of the gospel, as outlined by Jesus Christ himself.  Along with many of you we sustain living Prophets who continue to teach these same principles.

Most of us want to be happy.  Most of us want to find love and happiness and fulfillment in this life.  As we live by the 'plan of happiness' from God, our Father, himself, we can find that happiness and even greater eternal joy.

As a single-mom myself, I know, too well, of the hardships placed on family life when these true principles are disregarded or dismissed.  The family suffers.  The children suffer.  The parent who tries to pick up the broken pieces suffers.  Yet, through it all, as we continue to rely on the Lord and turn to Him for His guidance, protection, and strength, He lifts and buoys us up.

If we don't have the ideal now - we don't give up hope.  We press on continually and faithfully.  In a coming day, as we are true and faithful, we will have all the desired blessings of our hearts.  Right now we are preparing for that day, making room for more joy to come as we continue to overcome current challenges and struggles and find meaning in our lives today.  In the end, all our hard work will be worth it.  We have been given to know that as.... 'all truth is eternal.'