Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Suicide Understanding and Prevention (Kindness and Love)

This tender video about suicide was released just last week.  It's a subject that may affect most of us in some way or another.

Ironically (or perhaps not), it was released just one day prior to our finding out that a former friend of my children's took his own young life.  He had 'changed' after a trip to a third world country and hadn't been able to recuperate from whatever affected him either physically or spiritually.

Suicide is 'tragic' no matter the cause, and affects all who knew the person.

We don't often understand the why's of all that happens in life nor the depth of sorrow or despair or mental distress or illness that causes someone to take their own life, but most of us do have great compassion and love and feel to reach out to those most greatly affected by it; namely close family and friends.

Unless it's touched us personally we may not truly understand the grief of those to whom it has, yet, most of us have experienced enough trial and tragedy in our own lives to know that our empathy, kindness, love, and caring are often the most effective comforts to offer those who suffer.

This short clip gives us all more insights into the brain or soul of a person who feels that they can't go on.

Let us all be more sensitive to those who are struggling and offer up prayers that we will bless and uplift those around us as we never really know what they may really be dealing with inside their hearts, homes, or families.  'With kindness and love' are always key ways to treat those around us.