Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The Significance of Holy Temples for Mormons

The following video is a short message about the significance of Holy Temples for 'Mormons'.  We are so grateful for restored truths about our roles in the plan of our Heavenly Father.

Each of us came here to earth after having lived in a pre-mortal existence.  Now we are to live by faith and to learn greater truths that will help us make it 'back home' after this life is over.

For me, the Temple has been a safe place of sanctuary, a place of instruction and learning, and a place to feel peace and to have my sincere prayers answered.  For this blessing I am truly thankful!

I hope and wish that all of God's children (all of my brothers and sisters worldwide) can and will make themselves worthy to enter into Holy Temples.  They are 'Houses of the Lord' where we can feel His spirit and come to understand His plan and His great love for us, His children, as well as our part; that of choosing good while in this life and keeping all of His commandments.