Monday, November 17, 2014

NEW: LAUNCH of Missionary Mailbag; An Online Service for LDS Missionaries.

I thought this might be of interest to some of you. I'm eager to check-it-out myself!  It's wonderful to see such good things happening to help in the work of the Lord.

I encourage you all to continue to do your part to 'fill the internet with light and truth'.  That's my goal as well.  We've been blessed with these technologies for a reason and, I believe, we'll be held accountable for how we use them.

Elder Bednar's recent address to the whole church was a powerful catalyst to keep us all moving forward in the direction the Lord would have us go. 

Missionary Mailbag 
"Mission Memories Saved in the Cloud, Not Lost on the Page"

NEW:  Missionary Mailbag takes email and pictures sent home by missionaries in the field and automatically organizes them into an easy­ to ­navigate website. It’s a great way for missionaries and their families to share news about the missionary with friends and family at home, as well as a priceless repository for missionaries to access memories, both text and images together, after their missions. In addition, a hard­bound book is available when they return home.

“The idea behind all of this was to....create a way for all missionaries to save and share [their] mission experiences.”  For more information. visit their website:  Missionary Mailbag